e lectures

राज्यसभा टीव्ही ने भारतीय संविधानाची निर्मितीवर दहा भागांची एक मालिका बनविली आहे.यामध्ये भारतीय संविधानाची निर्मिती प्रक्रिया चित्रित केली आहे या मालिकेचा पहिला भाग.
2. Early Medieval Period: Historiography and Debates

Sources of Ancient India - V       
Sources of Ancient History: Epigraphy
PreHistory- I
 Sources of Ancient Indian History - II
Sources of Ancient Indian History - III
Cultural Contact with Central Asia - B
Sources of Ancient Indian History - I
People and Languages in India upto c. A.D. 650
Japan in World War Second - II
Influence of Geography on India's History
Major Routes of Communication in India Upto C.AD. 650
World War First and After: Manchurian Crisis
Democracy, Militarism and Second Sino-Japanese War
Japan in World War Second - I
Meiji Restoration
Popular and Democratic Movements
Emergence of Japanies Imperial Power
Communist Movement in China - II
Communist Movement in China - III
Tokugawa Shogunate
Nature of Industrialization and Changing Social Structure in China
Kuomintang and The First United Front with Communist Party of China (1924-1949)
Communist Movement in China - I: 1921-1949
May 4 Movement - I
May 4 Movement - II
Political Crisis in China in The 1920s
Sun Yat-sen: Principles and Politics - I
Sun Yat-sen: Principles and Politics - II
Emergence of The RepublicYuan She-kai and Warlordism
Reforms of 1901-08 in China
Revolution of 1911 in China - I
 Revolution of 1911 in China - II
Self-strengthening and Reform Movements in China
Boxer Rebellion - I
Boxer Rebellion - II
The Open Door Policy
The Taiping Rebellion - I
The Taiping Rebellion - II
Opium War - I
Opium War - II
 Increasing Western Economic Interests
 Chinese Society - II: Confucianism
 Canton Trade System in Chin
 Chinese Society - I: Social Classes and Groups
 Emergence of United States As A World Power - II
 America Between The Two World Wars
 The Gilded Age: Progressivism Under Theodore Roosevelt
The Gilded Age: Progressive Era: Woodrow Wilson
 Emergence of United States As A World Power - I
 Economic Change: Growth of Capitalism and Big Business
 Economic Change: Labour Movements and Unionization Economic Change: Changes in Agriculture and Populism
62. Limitation of American Democratic System: Black People and Women (Post Civil War)
63. Sectional Conflict and Civil War
64. Reconstruction
65. Monroe Doctrine
66.  Limitation of American Democratic System: Black People and Women (Pre Civil War)
67.Evolution of American Democracy: Jacksonianism
68. Evolution of American Democracy: Political Parties (1840-1860)
69. Role of Judiciary
70. War of Independence: Various Interpretations
71. Making of The American Constitution
72. Evolution of American Democracy: Jeffersonianism
73. The Slide to War: 1930s
74. Origins of The Second World War
75. The Causes of American Revolution
76. Fascism in Italy
77. The Rise of Nazism in Germany
78.Hitler, Nazism and Germany
79.The End of World War First and The Peace of Versailles
80. The Elusive Search for Stability: Europe After Versailles
81. World Economic Depression
83.Growth of Revolutionary Movement
84. Making of The Russian Revolution of 1917
85. The October Revolution and The Civil War of 1918-20
86. Triple Alliance and Triple Entente
87. First World War: The Origins
88. Outline of Russian History in The 19th Century
89. The Eastern Question: The Problem and Its Background
90. Balkan Nationalism Up To The Berlin Congress
91. Clash of Empire
92. German Unification: Road to Unification
93.  History of Modern Europe: Bismarck and The Age of Diplomacy
94. German Foreign Policy: 1871-1914
95. The Unification of Italy
96. Making of Unified Italy
97. German Unification
98. History of Modern Europe: Socialism in Europe
99.  France 1848-1871: The Second Republic and The Second Empire
100. Industrialization in Russia
101. The Role of The Russian State in Russia's Industrialization
102. Liberalism and The Parliamentary System in Britain
103. Industrialization in Continental Europe: France
104. German Industrialization: Its Problems
105. German Industrialization in The 19th Century
106.  Industrial Revolution and The Emergence of Industrial Societies in Europe
107. Industrial Revolution: Britain
108Industrial Revolution: British Textile Revolution and Its Impact on Other Industries
109. Restoration and Revolution in France, 1815-1848
110.  1848: The Year of Revolution
111.Revolution of 1848: Germany
112. The Road Decline
113. Europe After Napoleon: Forces of Continuity and Forces of Change
114. Conservatism At Work: The System of Metternich, 1815-1848
115. The Directory and The Coup d'etat of 18th Brumaire
116. Napoleon As Ruler: International Reorganization
117.Napoleon and Europe: Revolution on Horseback
118.  The Constitution of 1791, The Second Revolution and Fall of Bourbon Monarchy
119. The Rise and Fall of The Jacobin Republic
120. Revolution and Gender: Revolutionary Culture
121. European Renaissance: Industrial Revolution
122. Crisis of The Ancient Regime in France and Enlightned in France
123.The Coming of The French Revolution
124. European Renaissance: Transition Debate - III
125. European Renaissance: Rise of Capitalism
126. European Renaissance: The American Revolution
127. European Renaissance: Enlightened Absolutism - II
128. European Renaissance: Enlightened Absolutism - III
129.European Renaissance: Transition Debate - I
130.European Renaissance: Transition Debate - II
131. European Renaissance: The English Civil War
132. European Renaissance: Europe in The 18th Century
133.  European Renaissance: Enlightened Absolutism - I
134.  European Renaissance: Mercantilism
135.  European Renaissance: 17th Century Crisis in Europe
136. European Renaissance: Effects of Crisis
137.  European Renaissance: Scientific Revolution - I
138.  European Renaissance: Scientific Revolution - II
139. European Renaissance: Scientific Revolution - III
140. European Renaissance: Colonial Explorations - II
141. European Renaissance: Commercial Revolution
142.  European Renaissance: Price Revolution
143. European Renaissance: Russian Absolutism
144.  European Renaissance: Age of Exploration
145.  European Renaissance: Thirty Years' War
146.  European Renaissance: New Monarchies - I
147. European Renaissance: New Monarchies - II
148. European Renaissance: Martin Luther
149. European Renaissance: Other Reformers
150.  European Renaissance: Counter Reformation
151.  European Renaissance: Humanism
152. European Renaissance: Art
153.  European Renaissance: Reformation
154. Making The Constitution
155. Situating India in The Global Context
156. European Renaissance: An Introduction
157. The Partition: Migration and Settlement
158.  Agrarian Reforms
159. Integration and Princely States
160. Partition Saga - II: The Idea of Pakistan
161. Partition Saga - III: Countdown to Separation
162. The Final Cut
163.Phases of The Non-Cooperation Movement …CORRECTED
164.  Congress and The Civil Disobedience Movement …CORRECTED
165. Gandhian Ideology
166. Gandhi's Rise in Indian Politics
167.Growth of Communalism …CORRECTED
168.Muslim League
169. Nationalism Trends 1919-1947
170. The Swadeshi Movement: Its Origins and Meanings …CORRECTED
171.  Impact of The Swadeshi Movement …CORRECTED
172.  Revolutionary Movements
173. Political Ideology and Organisations: Formation of The Indian National Congress
174. Moderates and Early Nationalism in India …CORRECTED
175. The Rise of Militant Nationalism: The Ideological Context
176.  Women: Changing Position and Attitudes
177. Nationalism: Historiography of Indian Nationalism
178. Trends in Anti Colonial Resistance in India in The 19th Century
179.  Hindu Revivalism in Nineteenth Century India
180.  Sanskritization and Caste Movements
181. Reform and Revivalism Among Indian Muslims
182. The Press …CORRECTED
183. Rise of Modern Intelligentsia
184. Brahmo Movement and The Ideology of Reform
185. Emergence of Modern Industries: Cotton, Jute and Steel
186.  National Income: Demography and Occupational Structure
187.Modern Education …CORRECTED
188.Changing Economy and Society of The Tribal World
189. Trade and Empire in Eighteenth Century India
190. Trade and Industry: Banking
191.  Peasants Landless Labour: Rural Credit and Indebtedness in India Under Colonial Rule - I
192.  Peasants Landless Labour: Rural Credit and Indebtedness in India Under Colonial Rule - II
193. Changing Environment and Landscape of India: Under Colonial Rule
194. Land Revenue Settlements in British India: Ryotwari and Mahalwari Settlements
195. Commercialisation of Agriculture in India Under Colonial Rule - I
196.  Commercialisation of Agriculture in India Under Colonial Rule - II
197.  Colonial State and Its Ideology: Perceptions of Caste and Trade
198.  Rural Agrarian Social Structure in India Before Colonial Rule
199.  Land Revenue Settlements in British India: The Permanent Settlement of 1973
200. Colonial State and Its Ideology: Orientalism
201. Colonial State and Its Ideology: Utilitarianism
202. Colonial State and Its Ideology: Paternalism
203.The Foundation of The British Empire: The Company and The State of Mysore
204. The Foundation of The British Empire: Marathas
205.  The Foundation of The British Empire: Punjab
206. The Foundation of British Empire: The Eighteenth Century Context
207.  The Foundation of The British Empire: Bengal
208. The Foundation of The British Empire: Awadh
209.  Interpreting The Eighteenth Century - II
210.  Concepts, Terminologies and Approaches - I
211.  Concepts, Terminologies and Approaches - II
213.  Sikhism During The Mughal Period
214. Kabirpanthies and Dadupanthies
215. Interpreting The Eighteenth Century - I
216.  Patterns to Regional Polity: Maharashtra - III
217.  Patterns to Regional Polity: Maharashtra - II
218. Patterns to Regional Polity: Maharashtra - I
219. History of India: Sufism During The Mughal Period
220. Bhakti Movement and Sanyasi Cult
221.  History of India: Rajasthan - III
222.History of India: Rajasthan - II
223. History of India: Rajasthan - I
224. Decline of The Mughal Empire
225. Mughal Architecture - II
226. Mughal Paintings: Their Social and Historical Context - I
227.  Mughal Paintings: Their Social and Historical Context - II
228.  Language and Literature Under The Mughals - I
229. Language and Literature Under The Mughals - II
230.  Mughal Architecture - I
231. Morphology of The Mughal Cities: Agra and Delhi
232. Mughal Administration and Social System
233.  Urban Economy in Mughal India
234. Foreign Trade - II: Indian Ocean Trade
235.  Mughal Monetary System
236. Morphology of Cities
237. Agrarian Structure in Mughal India - II
238. Markets and Internal Trade
239.  Foreign Trade- I: Indian Ocean Trade
240.  Agricultural Production in Mughal India - I
250.  Agricultural Production in Mughal India - II
251.  Agrarian Structure in Mughal India - I
252. Akbar's Religious Ideas
253.  Religious Policy of Emperor Aurangzeb
254. Forest and Agricultural Zone in Mughal India
255.  Jagirdari System - II
256.  Zamindari System - I
257. Zamindari System - II
258. Mansabdari System - I
259.Mansabdari System - II
260.  Jagirdari System - I
261. Mughal Historiography and Sources - II
262. Mughal Historiography and Sources - III
263. European Sources
264.  Socio-Economic and Political Formations of The Vijayanagara Empire
265. Regional Architecture During The Delhi Sultanate
266. Mughal Historiography and Sources - I
267. Persian Literature During The Delhi Sultanate
268. Socio-Political Formations and Economy of Rajasthan
269.Socio-Political Formations and Economy of The Deccan
270.  The Bhakti Movement in India
271. Sultanate Architecture
272. Indigenous Literature During The Delhi Sultanate
273. Urban Economy and Technology During The Delhi Sultanate
274. Market Regulations and Indian Ocean Trade During The Delhi Sultanate
275.  Sufism During The Delhi Sultanate
276. Political Structure of The Delhi Sultanate: 15th and 16th Centuries
277.  Sher Shah: The Afghan Sultan
278.  Agriculture and Rural Revenue System During The Delhi Sultanate
279.  Historiography and Sources of The Delhi Sultanate
280.  Political Structure of The Delhi Sultanate: 13th and 14th Centuries
281.  The Administrative System of Delhi Sultanate
282. Science and Technology in Early Medieval India 650 A. D. to 1200 A. D.
283.  Caste Structure in Early Medieval India
284. Gender Relations in Early Medieval Indian Society
285. The Rise and Growth of The Regional Languages Between 65 A. D. and 12 A. D.
286. Lecture on Nationalism at JNU by Romila Thapar
287. Schools of Philosophy and Religious Cults in Early Medieval India
288.Schools of Philosophy and The Shakti Cults in Early Medieval India
289. Sources of Early Medieval Indian History 
290.Economy During Early Medieval India: Land Grants and Agrarian Expansion
291. Fine Arts in Pallava Period
292. South Indian Polity: Administration and Revenue System
293. South Indian Polity: Chalukya-Pallava Conflict
294. Cultural Contact with Central Asia - B
295. The Later Guptas and Other Emerging Kingdoms
296. Harshavardhana: Political System and Administrative Institutions
297. Guptas and Culture
298. Cultural Contributions of The Guptas
299.  Cultural Contact with Central Asia - A
300. State and Administration of Guptas
301. Socio-Economic Changes in The Gupta Era - A
302. Socio-Economic Changes in The Gupta Era - B
303.  History of Ancient India: Buddhism, Jainism and Cultural Life
304. Post Mauryan Development: Sangam Age - I
305. Post Mauryan Development: Sangam Age - II
306. Post Mauryan Developments: Trade and Urbanisation
307.  Post Mauryan Developments: Society
308.  History Ancient India: Language, Literature Art and Religion
309. Post Mauryan Developments - II
310.  Post Mauryan Developments - III
311. Polity and Statecraft
312. History of Ancient India: Society and Economy
313. History of Ancient India: Cultural Life
314.  Post Mauryan Developments - I
315. History of Ancient India: Reign of Ashoka
316. History of Ancient India: Structure of Mauryan Polity
317. History of Ancient India: Ashoka's Dhamma
318.  The Nanda Dynasty of Magadha
319.  Introducing Mauryan Period
320. Political History of The Mauryan Dynasty
321. Early Indian Trade: Age of The Mahajanapadas
322. Janapada Crafts and Guilds
323.  Alexander's Invasion
324.  Social Structure
325.  Ganasangha
326.  16 Mahajanapada
327.  Emergence of New Faiths: Buddhism
328.  Emergence of New Faiths: Jainism and Other Faiths
329.  Expansion of Urban Settlements and Urbanisation
330.  Vedic Religion 
331.  Transition From The Chalcolithic Age to The Iron Age in India
332. Megalithic Cultures of India
333.  Vedic Society
334.  Vedic Economy
335. Vedic Polity
336. Indus Civilisation: Subsistence, Architecture, Craft and Technology
337.  Indus Civilisation: Religious Beliefs, Practices and Script 
338. Neolithic Culture
339. Chalcolithic Cultures of India - II
340.  Indus Civilization: Extent, Nomenclature and Origin
341. Indus Civilisation: Morphology and Characteristics of Some Centers
342.  The Spread of Farming Cultures in Baluchisthan (The Neolithic Phase)
343.  Neolithic Cultures in Non-Harappan India: Kashmir, Ganga-Belan Valley and South India
344.  Chalcolithic Cultures of India - I
345.  PreHistory- I
346.  PreHistory- II
347. Emergence of Farming Cultures in South Asia (Neolithic Mehrgarh)
348. Sources of Ancient Indian History - IV
349. Sources of Ancient Indian History - V
350. Sources of Ancient History: Epigraphy
351. Sources of Ancient Indian History - I
352. Sources of Ancient Indian History - II
353. Sources of Ancient Indian History - III
354.Romila Thapar - India's Past and Present: How History Informs Contemporary Narrative
355. Distinguished Lecture by Irfan Habib
356. Modern History : History of India
357. India's ancient caste system misinterpreted by modern historians
358. Kanhaiya Kumar’s Interview on Democracy, Kashmir, Nationalism, Propaganda 
359. Apoorvanand Lecture on Nationalism in JNU
361. औरंगज़ेब - परिचय | श्री. सौरभ वैशंपायन                                                                                                                            courtesy : https://sscmhistory1971.blogspot.com/p/e.html 


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